Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm trying really hard not to feel like a slacker...

I have a new apartment that I am moving into Oct. 10th.  I quit my job at Fresh to focus more energy on school.  I changed my courses and school plan around a little so that I am actually interested in what I'm reading and writing and talking about.  I made all of these decisions in the last 7 days, which is quite a feat for me.  
I am sad about leaving Fresh, but I am really excited to JUST be in school.  I have only JUST been in school for one school year as long as I can remember, and that was my first year at McGill. In high school I was in school AND working AND dancing 20 hours a week.  In second year at McGill I was working at RVC.  In third and fourth year I was floorfellowing and working and volunteering and yet still probably had the most free time of all of my friends, if you can believe that.  Last year I was in school and TAed, and second semester I worked.  This semester, I will be in school.  That's it.  I'm excited.  I truly am.  

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