Thursday, March 20, 2008

fear of commitment

an ongoing anxiety in my life these days is my thesis/MRP - or more specifically, my lack of topic for this major project i will be up to my ears in come this time next year.  a year certainly seems like a long time away, but i really need to finalize a topic in the very near future so that i can do things like find a supervisor, submit proposals, and obviously start researching. 

the problem is not that nothing interests me, it's that i'm interested in too many different things and i have to choose between them.  i keep a list.  the list is incredibly varied, and in the end i don't really want to write about any of the things on it.  i need to be able to commit to something for more than a week, and i'm not sure i'm ready for that. i guess i've kind of been searching for that magic topic that will somehow synthesize all the areas i'm interested in into one supersonic idea. 

all that being said, i think i may have found something today. now, it's very possible that next week i will hate this idea (much like i have every other seemingly brilliant idea i've had thus far), but this time it feels different.  this time the topic actually does synthesize a number of things i'm really interested in, and, it may also be work that hasn't actually been done before. 
i'm not going to say what it is. if next week i still like it, maybe i'll write it down here, and then see how it looks when it is outside of my head. 

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