Saturday, June 28, 2008

it's summertime, and i can't understand why you still feel bad....

it is summer. 

it's summer!

obviously i haven't blogged in one million years, and i'm not really sorry, seeing as how i only know of like two people who actually read this. and one of them lives with me, so she usually knows what's going down anyways. but if you're out there and have been on the edge of your seat (ha) then i apologize. 

i do not have to go to school for two whole months. two months! i am very excited about this, and have been excited for the past week. i like learning, and i like my program for the most part, but damn, i really hate always having to do work.  especially in the summer. actually, especially in the spring, but bygones. 

i have a job, so i don't need to be stressed about money. so now, on my days off, i can do whatever i want. go to the beach? read the saturday globe on the balcony while i sip my coffee? nap? frolic about the city wearing bright colours and drinking before it is socially acceptable to start drinking? yes yes yes!

at least the past two summers of my life have been less than fantastic - don't get me wrong, there have always been fantastic moments in the past few summers, but they have been overshadowed by things like jobs i hate, cockroach infestations, absent friends, heat stroke, awkwardness and general unhappiness.  maybe montreal was starting to wear on me long before i was ready to admit that it was....i hate saying that i was unhappy there, because in my heart it is still my home, my favourite city, the place where i met almost everyone who has been important to me in my semi-adult life, the place where i was first truly independent and was happy to be exactly who i am. but that said, i do think that something living there was unhealthy for me; after i finished school the city was just different, so much more melancholic, worn out, and more and more people that i loved were leaving...

but anyways. i do not live there anymore. right now, at this precise moment, that makes me really sad because it is jazzfest there and i can't believe i am sitting here on my uncomfortable couch in toronto instead of dancing in the rain with strangers in the middle of streets normally filled with honking cars.  and steely dan is playing! and dave brubeck! not that i would be able to afford those shows anyway i guess. 

but toronto: i am really starting to like it. and i think this summer is going to be grand, and i am going to savour every bite and flavour of it, and it will be delicious.